Task Management Beta 🧑🔬
Yup, Task Management is almost here. Soon you’ll be able to create and track tasks lists in Opus, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks. Unlike standard checklists, Task Management embeds training materials to guide employees through recurring tasks — all with the simplicity you expect from Opus. Get early access by joining the waitlist.
New Check-in Steps ✅
Check-ins just got a lot better. Now you can assess hands-on training with new step types (Text Entry, Number input, Multiple Choice, and Checkboxes) and link existing training content within the Check-in itself. This is great for letting team members reference past training courses or resources in between Check-in attempts.
Enhanced Desktop Training 🖥️
We’ve optimized our desktop training experience to better suit your desk-based employees. Simply put, your training content looks just as good on desktop as it does on mobile.
Catch up with us at Office Hours 🍏
Looking for more deep dives into training problems and use cases? By attending, you'll get to see and hear firsthand how your peers are tackling training problems in their businesses and offer up your own insights.